
Sample Coolers & Heat Exchangers
Cool samples efficiently regardless of sample temperature, volume, and application.
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ISOLOK Liquid & Slurry Samplers
Protect your liquid and slurry production from outside influence with these automatic samplers.
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Sample Conditioning Systems
Gain real-time control and optimization of your water chemistry with a complete sampling system.
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Sample Cooling Support Equipment
Add an extra layer of protection to your sampling system with these accessories.
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Low Emission Samplers
Protect your operators and the environment from damage with reliable grab samplers.
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Bulk Solid Samplers
Maintain control of your bulk solids processes with our bulk solids samplers.
See MoreAccurate and Reliable Sampling
From sample coolers to fully integrated sampling systems, Sentry’s sampling equipment ensures that you are meeting process demands while maintaining analytical confidence. Each product line meets a variety of applications and needs. With almost 100 years of experience, you can trust our talented engineers to ensure that you find a match to your unique need.

Parts & Accessories
Keep your plant running smoothly with consumables and standard products from Sentry Equipment.
Industry Leaders in All Types of Sampling
Sentry Equipment works worldwide to provide sampling solutions across all types of applications. Whether you need solutions for oil & gas sampling, bulk solids sampling, liquid sampling and more, Sentry Equipment has the expertise to advise you in the best type of equipment. Goals for sampling recommendations always lie with client interests, and those are to maximize efficiency and employee safety.
Manufactured to ensure stability, accuracy, and durability, Sentry’s sampling solutions allow operators to accurately test a variety of substances. This includes powders, liquids, slurries, and bulk solids. We understand that maximizing production and minimizing cost are of the utmost importance to our clients. Sentry Equipment focuses on solutions that keep your systems up and running. Every Sentry customer can trust that product quality is maintained, production is maximized, and contamination is limited.
Working with Sentry Equipment
Sentry Equipment is a worldwide company that is employee owned and operated. We specialize in sampling, production management, environmental protection, and other services. Our team holds ourselves accountable to not only the people and processes directly involved with our equipment, but also to the planet and to developing a safer world.
Our work culture is dedicated to promoting integrity and positivity – we believe this fosters an environment that shifts focus towards customer solutions and interests. Sentry has been established since 1925, and in that time has only continued to grow in terms of capabilities and global presence.