Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas Solutions

Keep your operators, equipment, and environment safe by accessing corrosive or harmful materials using safe, efficient sampling equipment. This regular testing is critical to product quality, maintaining EPA (and other) standards, and maintaining operational efficiency. Learn more about how Sentry's solutions focus on a high level of protection while minimizing impacts to your bottom line.

Committed to Your Processes

Protecting people and processes is at the core of everything we manufacture. Within oil and gas processes that protection becomes critical. From environmental requirements to operator protection, oil and gas production needs to be under stringent control to reduce costs and maximize safety. It is this challenge that drives our sampling, retrofitting, and custom application solutions. 

Sentry customers rely on our commitment to gain accurate grab samples, ensure their processes run smoothly, and manage their risk of corrosion and other contamination. Each of Sentry's equipment and service solution safeguards these concerns throughout their lifecycle by focusing on the way your processes should work.

Looking for More Information?

Learn more about the impacts of preventative maintenance and sampling management with these related resources.

Extra Protection Made Simple

Avoid harmful process consequences such as corrosion, unreliable analyzers, and inconsistent temperatures by adding an extra layer of protection to your oil and gas applications. From sample coolers to manual samplers, find the products you need to minimize equipment damage, personnel harm, and costly downtime. 

Trust the Pros That Know

Critical analytics and chemical processing equipment can become obsolete ahead of plan, resulting in the need for safe, efficient technology updates. From installation to retrofitting and designing custom solutions, Sentry ProShield has you covered. 

Sentry's technicians go beyond one-size-fits-all to provide installation, product support, and application engineering to custom design updated solutions for your existing analysis system. Each installation and retrofit starts with a complete review of the system (SysRep) and takes into account a holistic, iterative focus to minimize impacts to your processes and equipment. 

By focusing on reliability and brand inclusivity, you are able to get the full range of expertise from our trusted technicians. 

Recommended Product Lines

Get started finding the right equipment for your application with these recommended products by Sentry Equipment.

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Explore our blog, the Shield, for more Oil and Gas information.

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