The Shield
Repair vs. Replace Your Clarifier Drive
A clarifier drive unit supplies torque to rotate the rake arms through wastewater. Clarifier drives must be replaced or repaired over time for many reasons. Rebuild-it, a Sentry Equipment Service, has water and wastewater solutions to meet your needs and prevent downtime.
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5 Important Tips for Cleaning Your Sampling Equipment
Cleaning sampling equipment used in food production is very important.
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Avoid a Pipeline Freeze with a Methanol Injection Plan
As temperatures drop, equipments risk of damage increases.
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CASE STUDY: Prevent Equipment Downtime due to Crude Oil Leaks
A G50 Crude Oil pipe may cause significant damage to machining operations, equipment, and employee safety within a facility.
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How to Avoid Sample Cooler Damage from a Deep Freeze
Oil and gas refineries often struggle to restart after unplanned shutdowns safely. Thats what Texas experienced in February 2021, when an Arctic storm brought the lowest temperatures in a generation. This deep freeze resulted in a large amount of equipment damage, including sample coolers.
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Monitoring Sodium in Power Plants
An increase in sodium measurements may identify unwanted dissolved impurities. When coated on the boiler turbine blades and heat exchanger surfaces, these impurities can cause catastrophic problems in power plants.
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Repair vs. Replace: Managing Your Refinery's Sampling Equipment
Many industrial plants in the United States were built decades ago and were not expected to still be in operation. Yet many are still running today, well past their expected life span.
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The Advantages of Chlorine Dosing to Control Biofilm in Industrial Cooling Systems
Microorganisms are organisms of microscopic size, which may exist in its single-celled form or as a colony of cells such as bacteria, fungi, and algae.
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Understanding the Challenges in HRSG Water and Steam Monitoring
Many large industrial facilities, including refineries, chemical plants, and petrochemical facilities, are utilizing combined cycle units with heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) to produce power for their operations.
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