Monitoring Sodium in Power Plants

Periodic Table Element

Periodic Table Element

An increase in sodium measurements may identify unwanted dissolved impurities. When coated on the boiler turbine blades and heat exchanger surfaces, these impurities can cause catastrophic problems in power plants.

Reasons for Sodium Measurement Include:

Demineralizer: Sodium is the first cation to breakthrough; therefore, monitoring it will save chemical regeneration costs and prevent the introduction of impurities into the boiler cycle.

Condensate: Since cooling water is usually very high in sodium, small tube leaks can be detected.

Condensate Polishers: Since resin is used in polishers, sodium indicates when the cation resin is exhausted. Essential Factors that are Important to Sodium Measurement: A few essential factors must be considered when measuring sodium to ensure that your application runs efficiently and smoothly.

  • pH Influence: Elimination of H+ interference is increasing pH with alkalization chemical (DIPA)
  • Calibration: An accurate calibration is necessary for an accurate process reading. Diagnostic values must be met.
  • Etching: Depletion of sodium in the sensor membrane extends the response time dramatically. Etching is required.

pH Influence: Continuous pH control is essential to prevent impurities from causing sizeable problems in power plants. The sensitivity to the hydrogen ion is a hundred times higher than to the sodium ion: the influence from H+ must be eliminated, which can be done by adding diisopropylamine (DIPA) to increase the pH between 10.5 and 11.5.

Calibration: Before calibration, the sensor needs to be etched (refer to below) to ensure a reasonable response time. Calibration ensures accuracy and consistency for measuring tools; the procedure is menu-driven for ease of use.

Etching: Over time, sodium levels will decrease, becoming low and relaxing the sodium electrode. However, the electrode needs to be regenerated before calibrations so it will see the response required for accurate calibration. The probe is etched with an acid/sodium solution to regenerate the electrode.
Being able to prevent unwanted impurities, it is important to measure sodium in your samplers to ensure that your application runs efficiently and smoothly.

Sentry Equipment has experience with power plants worldwide, providing support and service for these systems. Our experience and expertise can help you navigate avoiding these potential issues and keep your equipment up and running. Contact us at +1-262-567-7256 or complete our online contact us form for more information.

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Written by Sentry Equipment

With proven sampling expertise since 1924, Sentry products and services provide business operations the critical insights to optimize process control and product quality. We deliver true representative sampling and analysis techniques to customers around the globe, empowering them to accurately monitor and measure processes for improved production efficiency, output and safety. Standing behind our commitments, we are determined to tackle any application, anywhere.

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