XC Blowdown
XC Blowdown

Heat Exchange Boiler Blowdown System

Part #: XC Blowdown

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Reduce your fuel costs with our most efficient boiler heat recovery product. The Sentry boiler blowdown system ensures you don't lose excess heat during your blowdowns.

The XC Boiler Blowdown System uses proportional control to efficiently transfer heat from your outgoing blowdown water to your incoming makeup water, allowing for significant fuel cost savings over time. The stainless-steel tube design ensures piece of mind by withstanding thermal shock, water hammer, abrasive materials, and high water velocities.

  • Handles up to 6 boilers at once for increased flexibility
  • Recovers up to 90% of heat loss during blowdown processes
  • Capable of handling high pressures up to 250 psi (17.2 bar) 

Model Boiler Capacity Size Removal Clearance Inlet Sizes* Outlet Sizes*
X43-CM 3 max 53" x 18.5" x 29" 30 inches 1.5" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
1.5" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
X46-CM 4 max 80" x 18.5" x 29" 66 inches 1.5" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
1.5" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
X66-CLM 5 max

82.5" x 19.5" x 31.5"

66 inches 2" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
2" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
X69-CLM 5 max 125.5" x 19.5" x 31.5" 102 inches 2" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
2" FNPT (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
X89-CKM 6 max 126" x 18" x 37" 102 inches 3" - 300# Flange (MU)
.75" FNPT (BD)
3" FNPT (MU)
1" FNPT (BD)

Related Resources

Learn more about how the Heat Exchanger Blowdown System can benefit your application with the following resources. 

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