Portable Filtration Systems

Portable Filtration Systems

Image of Swarf Monster Portable System

Swarf Monster Portable System

A highly reliable, minimal maintenance portable filtration system
Image of Sump Caddy Portable Filtration System

Sump Caddy Portable Filtration System

This portable system ensures that you are extending your fluid life

Minimal Footprint, Maximum Uptime

Ensure your operations maintain maximum uptime while minimizing shop floor impacts with our highly reliable portable filtration systems. Free floating tramp oils and suspended fine particulates from your machine pumps are easily removed with our complete systems. Each come with suction and discharge hoses and optional space for a magnetic sleeve or post, providing extra protection. 

Maintenance is minimal on all portable systems to ensure minimal production interference while maximizing performance through sub-micron filtration capabilities. Find the appropriate portable filtration system to fit your needs below or contact one of our professionals for a more customized solution.